Té.a.té provides the following services:
- TCM(Traditional Chinese Medicine, including Acupuncture, Moxibustion, Cupping, and Electro-stimulation).
- SAF(Shiatsu and Acupuncture Fusion)Therapy
- Facial Acupuncture
- Shiatsu(Japanese style massage)
- Reflexology(Japanese style foot massage)
Acupuncture: promotes natural healing process in the body by stimulating acupuncture points. The theory of Traditional Chinese Medicine explains that the meridians run through various parts of the body, structures and organs, and provides pathways for Qi (energy) and blood circulation. When Qi or blood circulation is impeded, it causes obstructions in the meridians and dysfunctions of internal organs, eventually leading to diseases and disorders. Acupuncture treatments can help unblock meridians and restore free flow of Qi and blood in the body.
According to research, acupuncture has measurable physiological effects. When a needle is inserted into acupuncture points it not only increases the regional blood flow but also sends messages to the spinal cord and the brain. These stimulations induce the release of endogenous opioids, such as beta-endorphins, met-enkephalins and dynorphin, which help decrease pain perception in the body. The therapeutic effects of acupuncture is not limited to pain control, but also influences the immune system, gastrointestinal system and metabolism in the body. That’s why acupuncture is used extensively to treat so many different diseases and disorders.
Moxibustion: Ling Shu, Guan Neng says that where needle does not work, moxibustion does. TCM theory holds that moxibustion has a dual effect of tonification and purgation. Different from needles and drugs, characteristics of moxibustion in materials and using fire determine that its efficacy is inclined to warming and nourishing. So, moxibustion is often applied in deficiency-cold syndrome, though some excess-heat syndrome can also use it. The roles of moxibustion can be broadly grouped into warm nourishing, warm dredging, and warm melting. Warm nourishing refers to the benefits of warming Yang, tonifying qi, nurturing blood, and relieving depletion; warm dredging refers to the functions of activating blood, dissolving stasis, promoting qi, dredging channels, and relieving pain; warm melting refers to the roles of reducing phlegm, eliminating stagnation, removing wind, dispelling dampness, drawing out poison, and purging heat. Some people believe that warm dredging is the nature of moxibustion and is the key role of moxibustion effects. The functions of moxibustion, expelling cold, promoting the circulation in meridians and collaterals, clearing away heat, detoxification, and so forth, are dependant on the efficacy of moxibustion for circulating qi and blood flow.
Indirect Moxibustion: we use Japanese style moxibustion which famously using very small cones and a bamboo tube to reduce the perception of heat during treatment.
Shiatsu and Acupuncture Fusion (SAF) Therapy The SAF therapy intertwines Shiatsu and Acupuncture to heal your body and mind, It will restore and balance your Qi energy. Your therapist would start with intake questions, pulse and tongue diagnosis. The SAF allows the therapist to reach a subtle energetic level which provides optimal health and mind & body restoration.
Shiatsu is a treatment to stimulate pressure points (called “Tsubo”) located all over the body by using fingers & palms. The essence of Shiatsu is “diagnosis & therapy“. By using the sensory receptors which are in our hands, shiatsu therapists can feel for muscle stiffness and analyze the body’s condition.
Shiatsu works for muscle relaxation, circulating the body fluid, balancing the nervous system, endocrine system, skeletal system & digestive system and vitalizing skin. It is a great way to balance your body & mind, and to help you maintain a healthy lifestyle.
Reflexology The feet are known as the “second heart”. By stimulating pressure points in the feet, we are able to improve function and promote healing in internal organs, glands, and muscles in the entire body.
The Japanese style of reflexology in the feet is good for treating acute pain, and for eliminating toxins from the body. The English style is helpful in stimulating the natural healing systems of the body.
Facial Acupuncture
Thin, special facial acupuncture needles are inserted into the dermis layer of the skin to stimulate the production of collage and elastin. This helps to fade lines and wrinkles and to correct any sun damage done to the skin. The needles also help bring blood and oxygen to the skin to brighten your complexion. Needles are typically left in from 20 – 30 minutes. A relaxing facial gua sha massage is then done following needling to remoisturize your skin and to release any lingering tension in the face. This treatment can be used as a standalone treatment for a quick brightening of the face, or be used as a series of treatments to fade lines and wrinkles.
Conditions we treat:
- Pain disorders Headache, neck pain, shoulder pain, lower back pain, sciatica, knee pain, arthritis, shingles, fibromyalgia, whiplash and more.
- Sports or work Injury Sprains, muscle pain, tennis elbow, plantar fasciitis, tendonitis, knee pain, hip pain and more.
- Post stroke/neurological disorders Paralysis of the arm and leg, weakness, pain or numbness of the limbs, aphasia, loss of balance and more.
- Stress and stress-related illness anxiety, insomnia, depression and more.
- Gastrointestinal disorders Stomach pain, constipation, diarrhea, indigestion, nausea, vomiting and more.
- Gynecological disorders Infertility, PMS (Premenstrual syndrome), painful period, no period, irregular period, menopause symptoms and more.